Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, Edgar Allan Poe: A Party to Remember

Sunday January 19, 2014

Saturday night was an extraordinary event.  On the eve of the birthday of Edgar Allan Poe, the APEX Theatre 20 group held a combination birthday party and performance to celebrate said birthday.  The performance of Nevermore by Matt Richey provided the third act of the day.

Act I was the inaugural Saturday Morning Sitcom "Happy Birthday Edgar Allan Poe" featuring Mother Goose and Friends.  The were flooded with well-wishing partiers from the younger set.  A good time was had by all.

Act II was an amazing late night party made up of Steam Punk, Neo Gothic, and just plain funerial clothing.  Food and drink was included in the ticket price.  There were some AMAZING outfits worn by even more amazing people.  Everyone was there for a good time, yes, but also to celebrate the natal anniversary of one of America's great writers.

Act III was of course, the play.  One of the best performances of some of the actors. (Not for all, but perfection is for wimps.)  All the performances were filled with the passion that this poet/storyteller engenders, from the unpredictable Poe of Mark Dwight to the macabre calm of Montressor from Slater Bonner.  From the ethereal beauty of the "lovely, lost Lenore" by Megan Clark Hutchings to the creepy old caretaker Dudley of John Lamb. The audience was enthusiastic in their reactions and response.  Quite gratifying.  The performance ended with live music from Lacey Carpenter on her violin.

The 4th Act was the "Poe Toaster".  Producer Felicity Enas told the fascinating story of the infamous Poe Toaster, of Baltimore followed by a reading of Poe's poem, Annabel Lee, ending with  a brandy toast of our own.  The night was amazing.  I was there, so I should know.  I just hope that there are many more of these themed nights in the future.

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