Sunday, March 3, 2013

Summer Solstice Film Festival

Had an idea.  (Always a dangerous thing.)  I was thinking about starting up a summer solstice film festival competition.  It would be the kind where the film-makers get the topic on Thursday night with the finished video due to the jury on Saturday morning.  The top ten jury selected films are then viewed in the theater on the big screen.  The audience then votes for the final winner.  None of that is very original.

The screenings would be at the "Historic Texas Theatre" in Palestine, Texas- one of the old movie palaces from the 30's that's been 90% restored.  It would be on the weekend nearest the summer solstice each year. The films, like every other festival, would be seen on the festival website for one year. But part of the prize would need to be a viewing beyond that.  Maybe get Time Warner Cable to play the top 3 across their networks.  Maybe something else.  The contest would need to be sponsored, of course, and physical prizes would need to exist.  I have some ideas on that, too.

Could even try to get local hotels to give a half-price discount to the film teams.  There should also be a real party afterward with a "select" crowd.   Lots of things to consider.  Think I should go ahead and get the website address just in case.

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