1. Directing sucks. Unless you have a professional crew to get the jobs done, you have no time. It's also really hard to chew out a volunteer who has screwed something up with the best of intentions. It was all clear in my head, why can't they read what's there and just do it?
2. If you can't take criticism, don't do theater. When people get mad or cry because I've told them they aren't doing it right (or that they are doing it badly), it makes it very hard to be honest with people about their performances and they don't grow. Of course it's also hard when you don't really have anyone to take their place because it's community theater, unpaid, and there just aren't that many people around willing to endure the schedule.
3. I can be a jerk, but I'm usually right and I'm the director, so there. Just try it my way. I know your mother thinks it's cute the way you do that but who cares...I'm the director who is responsible for making the WHOLE show the best it can, not just your universe altering solo.
4. I cast a couple of parts badly. My fault. Mea Culpa. Sue me. Go Fish. It's now too late, so let's make the best of what we got. We're amateurs. Yes, I know that Charlie won't face the audience for more than 3 seconds. Yes, he rolls his eyes like he's having a seizure. Yes, Grampa George won't learn his lines and reads them from cards in his lap. Yes, that Oompa Loompa is a thief and a bully. Now let's deal with it.
5. My set DESIGNS were great. My set executions were not. Enough said.
6. I know...the blueberry costume didn't work. Should've rented one. Leave me alone, I have a headache.
7. We made money. Paid our bills. Some of them/ya'll had fun. I didn't.
8. (and last) Stick a fork in me- I'm done. I will not be directing again for a while. I had no fun, and we don't get paid for this crap. Of course it may be a moot point as very few of them will work with me again anyway. Got cursed out by my AD with people around. Had my vocal director run out of the building rather than talk about a disagreement where I came down hard on her. Had a couple say they were never doing theater with us again (not my fault there). I'm getting to old and crotchety for this.
My response is too long for a comment: http://cheddacat.blogspot.com/